
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Passing days

So many days gone by without a post.  I have been writing every day, but not necessarily here.  Though I should have done as well rather than taken my other screeds as reason to stop after my so-called ‘Morning Pages’ of Freewriting.  Still, that is how I was and now I am back on an almost full tank and full attention.

Andrew’s visit was a delight – and full.  He only had one day off for good behaviour when he managed to escape to Barcelona without us.  But the rest of the time he was ours and packed more into his few days than most get through in a fortnight!

Food and drink and restaurants and town and shops and tapas and holy places and Sitges.  There is photographic proof that I went into the water and had a total submersion.  Andrew went into the water.  There is a difference.

The food in the restaurant of Montserrat was as good as usual and fortified by it we went on a trip up the vertical railway to a supposed hermitage at the top.  By the time we got there we were too tired to consider anything more than a desultory walk part of the way to the nearest place of worship and then gave up and come home!  And we had to wait in a traffic jam for an hour just to get into the car park before the visit started!

The other experiences were more fluid and more immediate with less waiting!

The immanent threat of the first of my writing assessed assignments is now well and truly in the front of my mind and I have done the first part of the work.  The easy part.  And now there comes the real work of making something of the short freewrites that I did for inspiration as the basis for the next part.

The forums have been getting on perfectly well without me, but I think that it is time to take a more positive part in their future development.

Over the last few weeks I have probably written more than I have ever written in my life during so short a time.  The jury is still well and truly out about whether my writing is changing in any way – but I live in hope.

Talking of writing, this piece did not quite turn out in the way that I expected.  Going through numbers of pages of my own writing trying to find the nuggets of salvageable material to transfer to my working reference notebook I think has drained my imagination in a way that is the complete opposite of what should be happening!

In theory my notebooks should be informing my writing, but that is a process that can only occur when you have something worth taking further in the notebooks themselves.  They are getting more interesting, but at the moment they are full of potential rather than realization.  Work in progress.

Tomorrow I need to make my selection of the freewrite that is going to be the basis for the second part of my assignment, and that choice is important because this bit accounts for the majority of the marks.

There is also the second week of my course on Brands to take into account too.  And there are other festivities to consider for tomorrow and Sunday.

I have to say it, everyone in position always does at some point or other: “How on earth did I manage to fit school into my life!”  There I have said it now, I can relax and get on with my school-less life! 

Which is not hard.

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