
Monday, November 14, 2011

It is colder

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I am visibly weakening about my determination to reject coats of any sort in my desperate attempt to “keep summer going” in my one-man campaign to ignore autumn.

My cough is telling me that things are not entirely well with this approach and the glum day rapidly degenerated into that weather of which wind-borne drizzle is the major component. 

Today was, of course the day when I traipse from building 1 to building 4 and back again getting progressively wetter with the insidious, targeted micro raindrops gently soaking me as I made my grumpy way along to give one resentful lesson after another!

It is bad enough that it is a Monday without that “soft” weather that the Irish speak of.  Everybody was in a generally depressed mood and into this atmosphere of negativity yet another meeting after school was announced.  IN a 40 hours week that we are in the bloody place it says absolutely nothing for the consideration of the management that they have to impose on our free time for a further hour.  This will be shortly after our notorious Saturday morning meeting - about which I cannot find words vitriolic enough to express the correct level of condemnation for such an unnatural, pointless, unprofessional and perverse activity.

On a more positive level talks are taking place about when to hold our Chocolate Week.  The general consensus is that the suicide days of early February would be the most appropriate time where the deep frivolity of our Chocolate Week could be just the thing to keep us from succumbing to the depression that distant June evokes in a typical teacher in the short dark days of the early months of the year!

Amazon is hounding me with blandishments of various sorts including art books which are difficult to resist.  I think that I will attempt to get the school to buy some of them because the computer in the room that I use to teach the history of art constantly has difficulties linking to the Internet and is therefore useless for my purposes.

And now to bed.  An early night to escape the dampness in warm oblivion! 

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