The house seemed strangely empty and the feeling of mild desolation was not helped by starting the washing machine.
There is something unhealthily domestic about sorting and putting washing in the machine; I detest the challenge of opening the packet of two tablets of washing powder without swearing; I find the smell of sickly sweet oiliness of the fabric softener nauseating – and all of this is topped by the irritatingly jaunty tunes that my bloody washing machine plays to announce the fact that it has done some tedious mechanical task!
The tumble drier has chosen this moment to make some unsettling sounds which sounded (not that I know what I am talking about here) as if the bearings were worn. Whatever it actually was, it sounded expensive.
When confronted by technical problems of this magnitude there is only approach that is tried and tested: ignore them and hope for the best. This I did with enthusiasm and dedication with the result that it now sounds fine – and I feel free to imagine the money saved by not having to buy a new machine to be available for self-indulgent spending!
The weather this afternoon is brighter than I would have thought possible given the dull morning that we had. It is still very humid and the heat is not pleasant and it would be pleasant to get back to the cleanly bright sunny days that have been the best of the summer so far.
The unreality of the Nespresso Saga continues to haunt us. Although the exclusivity through limiting the supply is an interesting marketing idea the concept seems to have been taken to truly absurd lengths by the management of the product. The whole “life-style” overlay relies on an illusory “value” being placed on a mere cup of coffee! I can’t help admiring any process which makes people pay happily more for less!
The afternoon was taken up with a quick trip to Terrassa for an excellent lunch and to pick up Toni after his stay there for his nephew’s birthday. Two boys aged three and, from yesterday, six. There is, one might say, a certain friction between the two when it comes to possessions and attention which is enervating to observe and unimaginable to live with! I return to what I have always believed: parents only sleep through sheer exhaustion!
My attempt to have a late siesta was frustrated by the entire band of damned neighbouring dogs who seemed to have entered into a dedicated pact of general howling, screaming, yapping and barking hysteria simply to keep me awake.
I was driven to get up and consume the remains of Dianne’s pizza which she failed to eat in the restaurant we went to on Saturday – delicious!
The new week must be matched by a new determination to Do Something About the Books. To be fair I have made something of a start, but it is not clearly visible. Decisions have to be made and there is a time limitation as the next visitors are due on the 14th of the month!
The clock is ticking!
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