
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What to do with the car

Well, at least it isn’t raining!

There was an aesthetic element inside my morning head which was even able to appreciate the mist that shrouded the motorway on my way to school – and my logical mind told me that there had to ‘warm’ air somewhere for this phenomenon to form. And that it good news as the weather we have had recently has been abysmal. I have been assured, by the science teacher no less, that Saturday is going to be good.

This would buck the trend of recent weekends and be even more unlikely when you consider that Saturday is the first day of the Easter holiday. I still have not had the courage to find out exactly how much time we have as holiday. As a person used to the fortnight holiday at this time in Britain, anything less is going to be a considerable shock to the system. And I know that it is going to be less!

Another shock to the system is the state of staff presence; which of course means that the crucial item in the calculation is staff absence. As absolutely nothing is done to bring in supply teachers to help, it means that all classes have to be covered by those present in school. As I have lost two free periods and had a timetable revision in the last week I am disinclined to be amenable to fawning ‘requests’ for help. Not, of course, that I have any choice in the matter. So far there are three absences and counting. Roll on chaos!

The end of “Slumdog Millionaire” was an orgy of ‘feel-good’ with only the death of a brother and a gangster to leaven the rising gorge of syrupy happiness. And if that is not a masterpiece of mixed metaphor - I will try another one later; if I can find the energy and the inspiration!

My trip into the centre of Barcelona (after an abortive attempt to park the car near a station close to the school) was a nightmare of missed turnings and ventures into new and irrelevant places in the city.

My meeting turned out to be one of those that do have an influence on future actions and all for the price of two coffees which I didn’t pay for!

My journey back was marked by only one wrong turning which did, however, result in a wide detour before I was back on familiar ground. And I arrived home just in time to go out for dinner for food and a report back on the meeting with the Consul General with the wonderfully evocative name of Gwatkin. This is a Welsh name which I have never come across before, but and prepared to believe in because it is in my interest to do so. I will wait patiently to see what comes of this contact.

The meal was, I have to say, a more pleasant alternative to the marking which is waiting for me!

Tomorrow a lesson less: one of my classes has been swapped for an extra one on Monday: for this relief much thanks!

I am continuing to read the Asimov short stories with a sort of compulsive fascination. I have discovered that although the titles may have faded from my memory the basic plots are surprisingly vivid – mainly because Asimov is amazingly adept at isolating a concept or fugitive idea which is sometimes more powerful than the narrative structure that contains it!

I have ensured that the e-book reader is charged in preparation for my ‘holiday’ on Friday morning.

Meanwhile I continue to eat carbohydrate.

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