
Friday, March 05, 2010

To sleep perchance?

I have had more sleep over the past few days than is healthy or normal!

I am now thoroughly fed up with the persistence of my cough and the consequent propensity to flop down on a horizontal surface and slip into the arms of Morpheus. While this unconsciousness has its attractions I prefer to be awake and at least reading!

I have decided that the germs have one more weekend of superiority and then, if the present régime of large tablets has not had some dramatic effect then I will return to the medical centre and demand more attractive drugs.

The only real task which I have ahead of me at the weekend is constructing the bike rack and drilling it into the patio. This is not as daunting as it sounds as it only has to be secured by four screws and I have a sinking feeling that one hefty pull will dislodge them with comparative ease. Still, I will check that my household insurance covers the machine and will then hope for the best!

It is part of the New Life that I envisage for myself that the bike is readily available (and as readily used) so that the idea of vigorous swimming can ease itself into my mind to complete my exercise quota. Although we have had one good day of sun in the last week or so (!) I know that it has not warmed up the outside pool in the slightest and I have no intention whatsoever of flinging myself into the icy deeps: I want exercise not execution!

Our confusion over the absence of our colleague in school continues to cause disruption with last second alterations to class composition and content making the working day just that little bit more exciting. I think that I will have to cough more excitingly to ensure my exclusion from any extra classes which may be offered for my consideration during free periods!

The unholy cocktail of drugs that I am taking must be playing havoc with my gastric system: the fact that I am now taking thirteen pills a day is not something that I want to continue with for very much longer! Hopefully this weekend will see the end of the contumacious cough!

So tomorrow the only thing I have to do is to ensure that the bike rack exists on the patio and is securely screwed in. Not much in itself, but something which I have been writing about and not doing since I bought the damn thing!

Small targets give a disproportionate sense of achievement if you actually manage to get them done. Just what you need for a weekend!

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