
Showing posts with label Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cameron. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Cartoon Politics?





For what now seems like the last twenty-something years of my life, a political organization, formerly known as The Conservative Party, has been putting on a mind-bendingly boring charade of Right Wing Cosplay to try and influence the miniscule audience of voters who will elect one of two cyphers who will replace the last lying narcissist to hold the role of Prime Minister, who in his turn replaced the previous vicious (yet vacuous) semi-alive failure in the role, who in her turn replaced the toff-boy coward who walked away (whistling) from his responsibilities.  So, the cyphers do not have to do a lot to fit right in with the bar of competence set at a Mariana Trench level of profundity.

     Truss, the ex-Remainer, ex-Lib Dem, and born-again Thatcher act and Unicorn Brexiteer is using the Johnson tried and trusted technique of blatant lying and blaming everything on everyone – apart from her semi-articulate self, while talking up increasingly far right policies (on the hoof) to try and get the old, white, knuckle-draggers of the Home Counties to vote for her.  She is risible and contemptible and is, let us remind ourselves, the favourite (sic.) to gain the keys to Number 10.

     Her perky, richer than Croesus, “I have no working class friends” opponent is also spewing nonsense, trying to balance (and failing) the need to appeal to a Conservative Membership that he must regard with little less than loathing, while attempting to voice policies that make at least some nod towards the fact that the UK is facing crises of an existential nature.

     Not, of course that you would get a sense of that by listening or reading about the various quasi-Surrealistic “hustings” of party members as they question these “candidates” who have to try and pretend that they are offering something new and exciting to combat the difficulties that they themselves have been creating for the last decade.

     The level of unreality is so palpable that I am sure that the majority of people trying to make sense of the “Noddy in Toyland” level of political acumen on display have truly forgotten that we have had a Conservative Government (I use the term in its loosest possible sense) since 2010.  Two thousand and bloody ten!  And they are acting as if Cameron, May, Johnson are all “resets” and therefore nothing can be blamed on the future Prime Minister, as they will have had nothing to do with previous administrations, apart from being slavishly voting MPs and actual Ministers in the actual government!

     As a Welshman, albeit living in Catalonia, I can take some comfort from the fact that the Conservatives do NOT have a majority in Wales and that we do not have the political dregs in power.  But the UK is governed from London and the monetary allocations are decided in Westminster and England has by far the largest population in the constituent countries of the UK so, although government is partially devolved, England is still calling the tunes – or rather the tiny percentage of the population that makes up the membership of the Conservative and Unionist Party is.

     So, as prices and inflation go up (and up!) and wages go down (unless you are in The City) we have weeks more of the farce that is the election of our next Prime Minister.  Embarrassments playing with props from the political Dressing Up Box, vividly illustrating just how far below the ludicrous our country has sunk.

     Perhaps the most depressing element in this whole charade of political game playing was summed by the Daily Mail who (seriously) averred that Johnson had bucked the trend of the political truism that, “All political careers end in failure.”  That is a rewriting of reality on a par with the everyday life of Trump, where there is an unlimited number of “alternative facts” to fit in with whatever deranged rearrangement of life unscrupulous right-wing demagogues demand the ever credulous to accept rather than believe the evidence of their own eyes.

     Another truism is, “This too will pass” – however good or bad things are, they will change.  Wars will end.  Things will resolve themselves.  But it doesn’t mean that things will be better when those “things” have “settled down”.  You can look at history through statistics, but statistics are human stories and have human consequences.  The removal of the twenty-five-pound uplift to Universal Credit is a story of human misery and political viciousness.  Real people suffered; it is not just an “economic detail.”


This is a bitter way to start again to add to my neglected blog, perhaps tomorrow I will be mellower and allow myself the luxury of hope!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

O God The News!

Never let it be said that the bloody awful weather dictates my attitude towards life.  However, I am in a bloody awful mood to match!

The news from Britain as the shambolic ‘government’ of talentless Conservative (have you any idea how difficult it was for me to put a capital letter at the start of that word) lower than vermin, self-seeking, inept, traitorous, bastards descend lower and lower into the farce that is their approach to Brexit.

Resultado de imagen de unflattering picture of May

And my contempt for May grows.  And, no, I have no sympathy for her as she is savaged by the liars and cowards with whom she has surrounded herself.  Whenever I see her robotically defending the indefensible and fell a smidgeon of sympathy, I only have to remember her tenure at the Home Office and the heartless and ILLEGAL processes that she put in place to banish any fellow feeling for her ‘suffering’ now.  Her on-going failure at least gives a re-reading of the “all politicians’ careers end in failure” as hers has been failure in its more continuous manner.  To say nothing of her dancing.

Resultado de imagen de unflattering picture of gove

It is a sign of desperation and picking through the dregs that Pixie Cheeks Gove has been asked to take on the barbed wire rimmed, poisoned chalice of Brexit Secretary.  But he will only accept if he is allowed to renegotiate!  What world are these people living in?  Are they so secure in the foreign investments that they can look on with equanimity as the rest (the large rest) of us suffer?

I know that I do not command a great deal of sympathy as I spend my retirement by the side of the Med here in Castelldefels – but my pension is paid in pounds sterling and when I first came to Catalonia a Euro was 70p; now a Euro is 87p which means that my pension has been reduced by 20%, a fifth of my buying power has been wiped out largely because of the stupidity of a discontented electorate listening to the lies of the Brexiteers and believing that those Brexiteer had access to whole herds of magic unicorns who would make all manner of things well!  Rubbish.  Just recite the names of the most prominent Brexiteer and then ask the age-old question, “Would you buy a used car” from any of them?  Of course, you wouldn’t, so why entrust the future of your country to the sick imaginations of these failures?

And that scum that has resigned . . . and I paused there because my dictatorial watch informed me that I had been sitting for too long and I needed to move about for a minute!   

Perhaps its is just as well I walked away from the keys.  What do I achieve by venting my spleen?  I suppose it could be considered cathartic, but apart from keeping my blood pressure within the green range, cui bono?

It is, however, ironic that the “onlie begetters” of Brexit are generally not in government any more and therefore are not dealing with the mess that they have made!  Nothing like denying responsibility, but I suppose they have the superb example of Cameron to take as their guide for thoroughly selfish irresponsibility!

And the back wheel of my bike has been punctured or something because it was thoroughly flat when I attempted to ride it to my Catalan lesson this morning.  And now I have to go and pick it up in the pouring rain.  Again.  Much as I like the bike, I have to admit that I have been singularly unlucky with the damn thing.  I have barely gone more than a fortnight riding the thing without some reason to take it back to my bike man.  The broken spokes have become a running joke and the suspension is suspect too.

Resultado de imagen de mate x ebike  in sand

I am now thoroughly regretting that I have ordered the updated, fat wheel version of the bike that I have.  It will have improved brakes and gears, with a sexy paint job (sigh!), a full colour display and a back pannier, or at least a framework to put one on, and the thing will have a sort of brake light as well.  As you can see, I am easily persuaded with the trivia and don’t really care about the important engineering of the thing!

The new bike should/might arrive in time for Christmas and will give me something to worry about, while not being able to ride the thing because of poor weather.  It is all in the anticipation and not the reality!

Anyway, to finish off a near perfect day, after I have collected my bike, I then have to return to the centre of town for a dental appointment.  If a day is going to be bad then it does make sense to concentrate all the badness so that you can enjoy it a schadenfreude sort of way.

To keep my sanity, I have not gone out of my way to find what new infantile lunacy the so-called Head of the Free World has been up to.  That can wait until I am stronger!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Nothing in his life
Became him like the leaving it.

Anyone who thinks that the white-faced comments from one political coward, or the scripted seeming-modesty of one failed chief deserve anything other than contempt, is willfully ignoring what they have done.  At least in the quotation from Macbeth above the treacherous Thane of Cawdor “confessed his treasons” and “implor’d pardon” and expressed “deep repentence” – but that was literature.  Unfortunately, in Europe in 2016, we are dealing with what is laughingly referred to as reality.

Anything other than odium lavished on the selfishly parochial Cameron as he wryly accepts that he has to leave the position that he thought he would be able to solidify by his callously gambling with the future of the nation that he was supposed to be serving is obnoxious.  He recklessly used the future status and well-being of the United Kingdom as an easy casino chip thrown away on a throw of the dice, trying to cement his position in the contemptible party which he thought he led.  He was a disaster, and his forced smiles as he made his final jokes is nothing more than a calculated insult to the nation that he has failed.

            Wherever he goes from now and until the end of his sad days he should be treated with the contempt that he richly deserves.  His positive achievements (which I recognize) become irrelevant compared with his great betrayal.  He is little more than a traitor and the fact that he can smile amid the ruins that he has created is disgusting.
Which is also and adjective that I would apply to the whole of the Conservative Party.
There is nothing more infantilizing that watching (we are, after all, mere junior spectators and should, apparently, be grateful that we are even allowed to observe) the Conservative Party in full halloo after their tradition prey: POWER!
Their hands still smeared with the spinal fluid from daggers plunged deep between vertebrae of erstwhile friends, these shameless assassins have the temerity to preach to the population about progress and equality in the chaos that they have created.
Prime Minister May (sic) will be judged, in the short term, by who she choses to include in her ‘government’.  There are a few litmus test choices: will she include the blond, lazy, loquacious, lout?  The egoist who helped precipitate this disaster?  Will she include the Minister for ‘Justice’ – proven liar and treacherous colleague?  Will she include any of the utter bastards who have made her (anyone’s) job in the ‘new’ disunited kingdom so much harder?  Will any one of that disreputable crew have the guts to offer a sincere apology to the country that they have offended?  Well, they are Conservatives, so that sort-of answers itself.
And what of the Labour Party?  They (it?) have taken internecine fighting to a new level of destructiveness.  At the best of times the present disunity of the Labour Party would be vicious self-indulgence; at a time of national emergency when they should not only be taking the authors of our misfortune to task, but also presenting positive ideas for the stability and progress of the nation – in such times, the present laughable chaos is completely unacceptable.  Except of course in these bizarre times, after a referendum campaign notable for its lack of decency, truth and basic reality, anything goes.  The more I think about the full import of Brexit, the more I fear that the grotesque monster that is Trump stands more than a reasonable (!) chance of making all the way to the White House.  I hope to God not; but then I didn’t think for a moment that Brexit could appeal to a majority of thinking voters.  So what do I know!
And, I went for a swim with my mobile phone in the pocket of the shorts that I was wearing when I plunged into the pool.  And it wasn’t waterproof.  And even after a night in a bag of dry rice it doesn’t work.  And I’ve had to buy another one.  I am not quite sure how I am going to blame this disaster on Brexit, but I will think of a way to do so and I will be fully justified in so doing.
Roll on something to smile about!

Monday, December 28, 2015

More of the same!

I may not live in Britain these days, but I do hope that the vile Conservative government has not taken a leaf out of the viler PP government in Spain and refused free medical treatment to their citizens working abroad who have returned for the Christmas holidays to see their families in Spain.

I am sure if the mean-minded and pettily vicious IDS had anything to do with it then he will have lost no opportunity to urge David Cameron (assuming DC has managed to drag himself and half the Cabinet away from the Christmas Festivities provided by his friend the vile Rupert Murdock - though I have to admit that mere derogatory adjectives fail to capture the true rotten flavour of that octogenarian 'American' – to persecute (you still with me on this epic sentence?) those in a less fortunate situation than his affluent self!

How has Cameron's attendance at the court of one of the most unpleasant media oligarchs in the world today, especially after Murdock's recent court cases and evidence to parliamentary committees, gone down with the British public? Has he been taken to task for openly consorting with such an unsavoury character? Has he been asked why he thinks he can treat the public (who have been misled, lied to and ripped off by this ogre of the airways) with such cavalier contempt that he can ignore the disgust that we feel to see him (even him) in such low company? It is truly amazing what an overall majority can do for your view of the poor bloody infantry that actually put votes in the ballot boxes, as opposed to the rich and unscrupulous who couldn't give a shit about us, but have plenty of money to put into party coffers.

I relish a story told to me by the late Dave Phillips who related the experience of a hapless Conservative candidate canvassing in a Labour stronghold in Wales. He knocked on a door and told the man who answered that he represented the Conservative Party. The man looked at him and asked him to wait for a moment while he fetched his son. He reappeared with his son and then spat at the Conservative and said to his son, “That's how you treat all Conservatives!”

Now, as a wishy-washy liberal, I cannot possibly condone spitting, not only is it a form of violence, but it is also unhygienic! But, god knows, I do understand the vehemence of the response to the generality of Conservatives (with some honourable exceptions who escape my mind for the moment) especially during times of crisis and real human need when it is all too easy to illustrate the complacent attitude of those in power in the Conservative Party (in whatever country) and with money, with those outside who have little or none.

The political situation within Catalonia is just as complicated as that in Spain. The present President did not have a majority in the election to retain his majority and so will have to pact with another party if he is to be re-elected. The problem is although Mas (the President) is plausible, he is also an old school politician whose past includes his being very, very close to an ex-President who is now being prosecuted for fraud and deception. The sort of fraud and deception that the political parties at the time knew about, indeed there is even a piece of film where one politician warns him that his 3% 'commission' that he took would come back to haunt him. Now it has (and the rest of his mafia-like family too) and Mas must have known about it and said nothing. At this stage in the development of Catalonia to have a president who is likely to be charged with something in the near future is not something which we need to be landed with. A left wing party has stated that they would oppose his establishment as president and they have held strong up till now and resolutely refused to back him. The result of this is we in Catalonia do not have a president, in the same way that Spain is without one too.

CUP (the party which opposes Mas) has had a convention today in which some 3,000 members of the party have voted three times on whether to support Mas. The first two votes were 'No', and the third was an exact tie! It all sounds fishy to me, but there you are! We are living in more than interesting times!

Tomorrow the old President of Spain (who remains in office until a successor is elected) is having talks with C's and Podemos. It will be interesting to see what comes out of that and what the leaders of both parties have to say at the end of their meetings with Bromo. We can months of meetings and suggestions before the limit runs out and we have to have another election. I still do not trust either of the main political parties, PP and PSOE, not to sink their differences and unit to preserve their status as the 'power' in Spain in a desperate attempt to keep alive the phantom that bipartisan politics is still a possibility. They are both corrupt and have a lot to lose if their stranglehold on the country is weakened and from their shameless activity in the past they show quite clearly that they are prepared to do anything they possibly can to keep their parasitic suckers deep in the public purse. Anything is possible.

Meanwhile, I might chance a swim tomorrow if my coughing gets less, even if it doesn't it might be a good idea. The only horror is that the kids are going to be swarming around and, even more horrifically until the 11th of January! Now that I am no longer in school, I can't wait for the kids to return and get off the streets and out of the shops and into a secure environment where they do not interfere with normal human life!

And I've finished a draft of my latest poem, Standing on thin ice, which can be read (and commented on) at

Any comments will get a reply!