
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

At least I'm not up to my neck!

Today I checked the other cars: a paucity of poo! It therefore follows that the pigeons are being deliberately spiteful. Perhaps it is something about the particular shade of blue in which my car is painted that attracts their deposits, or perhaps it is a race memory of some real or imagined wrong inflicted on the feathered tribe at some time in the past. I cannot be the only human to refer to pigeons as “flying rats!”

Once again I ply my way to school with the anal accretions of (surely) more than one bird. I have actually taken some steps towards coping with this daily assault and have filled a five litre water bottle with tap water ready to be taken to the car so that the most objectionable filth can be washed away before the trying journey on the motorways. The bottle however, remains firmly at the top of the stairs and seems glued to the floor and has not made the simple journey to the boot of my vehicle.

I cannot really be expected to remember such trivia when the possible purchase of a new camera is taking up virtually every waking moment! I have now reached the point of comparing prices in the UK and Spain which surely must mean that some sort of financial decision is at hand. I think that I will call into Alcampo and a sort of displacement activity pseudo shopping around sort of way to give the spurious justification that is all I need to spend money which I do not really possess! Then I can call in Gavá and go back to MediaMarkt and wallow in the sheer gadget heaven which is that wonderful institution!

Toni is, at present, deeply immersed in his own gadget as he researches the capabilities of the Wii that he has taken to like a duck to water. The programs and games for this machine seem to be of immense cost and I have yet to be truly impressed by the quality of the graphics of these games. I am sure that Toni will find something to impress and then I will be ritually humiliated as I demonstrate my seemingly endless capacity for ineptitude when it comes to “playing” with the computer.

I tend to think that this shows an innate Puritanism in my nature and I consider the computer to be a machine for working on (if I may paraphrase Le Corbusier’s dictum) and the playing of games on it seems unnecessarily frivolous. I still remember with something approaching panic the fiasco of the settlements that I created using early versions of Sims when comparing them with the mighty cities with extraordinary edifices that Paul Squared managed to build. I don’t think I ever managed to establish a working water supply to any of my places and traffic always had a marked reluctance to use any of the roads that I laid out!

The fact that I have been beaten in Wii basketball by a two year old is a hurt which will take a considerable time to heal! I know that sooner or later a version of FIFA Football will be inflicted on me. The complexity of that game means that poor old Wales in my inexpert hands is going to be devastated when the Spanish team beats them by a margin which will go down in the annals of football humiliation!

I have however noticed that there is a Wii version of Trivial Pursuit which might be a way to salvage something from the wreckage of my attempts to get to terms with the activities of the young and technological!

It is another fine day with the sun shining brightly in a slightly hazy sky. I am trying to think of a reason to sit outside and allow the sun to soak into my skin. I know from past experience that taking marking out into the heat of the middle of the day is mere window dressing as I turn my face in mute adoration towards my favourite star. The only action on the marking front is to allow the edges of the kids’ papers to curl slightly at the edges!

And, come to think of it, why do I need some spurious reason? It is enough that I want to. Which also goes for the camera!

Dangerous reasoning!

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