
Sunday, May 06, 2012

A day of two halves

An overcast day giving that traditional Sunday feel of indecisiveness; a day waiting for some better day to take its place.  Although Sundays also have a spaciousness that other days do not have there is always the Evening Dread where any teacher worth his salt worries about whether he is prepared for the morrow!

I have been thinking about the smallness of the demonstration yesterday.  The sector of education that was represented in that expression of unease is probably one of the most vulnerable in the country.  The people taking part were teachers in the private sector of education whose futures (as I know from The School That Sacked Me) are most prone to the whims of often ill-qualified owners.

Speaking with colleagues who have taught elsewhere I have found that my experience of owner-run private education has been matched, though not topped by other horror stories of what can only be described as bullies with money directing the professional lives of people much higher qualified than the moneyed boors prowling corridors seeking prey!

The Family descended for lunch and Toni and I had to pay a visit to our local restaurant to book a table for eight.  It was obvious that they were fully booked but as we are more than decent customers the owner made space for us so that we could enjoy the more than decent meal that our local always provides.

So good food and duty done to various mothers I noticed that our dutifulness had been noticed and the impenetrable cloud cover had disappeared and bright sunshine was bathing the beach and the good old Med.

I am still capable of being surprised at what in Britain would be cloud cover for at least the week being dissipated in hours and the sun showing itself again here in Catalonia.

I spent the rest of the afternoon (after the obligatory walk which I was tricked into joining) sitting in the sun and listening to two bickering boys and watching the weariness of their parents!

Tomorrow I start the day with a blood test and then continue it by trying to find a parking space somewhere near the school because I will be arriving after my normal time and it will be cars all the way!

I am building up to my last opera of this year which will be on the 14th of this month.  As far as I can understand the impenetrable instructions for next year, I think that I already have my seat from last year (this year) reserved for next year.  The only thing I need to do is try and get tickets for any other events not covered by my season ticket.  And that is not even remotely easy.  Believe me.

Bed is calling me as this weekend has not been very restful and there is nothing worse than taking a sleep debt from the weekend into the working week.

To bed!

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