
Monday, January 23, 2012


Our barbecue on Sunday seems to have had some unfortunate after effects with a spate of tummy-trouble.  I remain staunchly un-tummy-troubled - though, were I to be severely truthful I might say that things have not been entirely uneventful since being adversely affected by a rogue member family!

But enough of that.

We are getting contradictory rumours of how much and when our political masters are going to cut our wages.  The reality of harder times ahead are admitted by all, but the mechanics of how we are going to be penalized for not being self satisfied, amoral, money grubbing bankers has not yet been revealed to we mere mortals.

On a more practical level I have been told that I have to fit in with the system in schools to ensure that I get a pay rise for long service.  After a certain number of years (5 or 6) teachers are entitled to a wage increase – only if the individual teacher has amassed the correct number of points.  These points can be gained for things like attending courses; being a form teacher and other things of that sort.

I have been told that one sure way to get the correct number of points is to take a language course – in English.  I have been told that the way that the system works I can take an examination for “Intermediate English” and get the points in spite of the fact that I am an English teacher and therefore presumably at a somewhat higher level than the examination.  I could do courses in something else, but that would mean that I would actually have to go to classes, whereas this way all I have to do is the examination.  It is not educationally sound, but it ticks the boxes and is acceptable.  It’s a scam, but a scam which seems to be generally accepted.  Application is next month.  I shall consider my options.

People are tired in my school and many of them must be dreading the forthcoming “holidays” when many of them will be off with the kids on trips and my poor old colleagues will only have an extended weekend to recover before the long haul to Easter.

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