I’m not quite sure what it says about a holiday when the finding of a parking space within limping distance of the beach is something which makes the day! However, today was such a day finding a space in a well-known area of “impossibility.”
My manoeuvring was made the more interesting by a French couple of Spanish speakers who thought that they could put their car into the space behind me. This space was small and there was a yellow line at the end of it: meaning that the people in the house outside which we were parking could call in a crane and have the car towed away.
With a logic which still has me thinking, the female part of the couple urged me to go closer to the car in front of me to give them extra room. This I willingly did, but left myself some room so that I would be able to leave. The female urged me to move closer to the car in front to give them more room because the car in front of the car in front of me had extra space! How she thought that the space the other side of a car was going to help me, god alone knows! We gently, but persuasively, refused to move any closer and they eventually had to give up!
As soon as they left I reversed a little more to ensure than no car could get into the space left no matter how small it might be.
Too small for a car, but not too small for a rubbish bin on wheels, which magically had appeared to fill the remaining space by the time we got back to the car!
The weather has been a mixture of cloud, wind, sun and gloom – completely out of keeping with what the weather ought to be like on a Sunday and an Easter Sunday at that.
Because of the pitifully small holiday allowance at Easter people have been leaving the hotel since Good Friday since they only have the Bank Holiday Monday to look forward to. For most of the population of Spain normal working recommences on Tuesday. Luckily my school has an occasional day which it has used for Tuesday allowing us to start on the gloriously late day of Wednesday!
I truly have no idea how, in conscience, I can start another term. The last term was ridiculously long; the holiday disgracefully short; the weather less than perfect – how can I be expected to work!
On the plus side I have a new watch which has been admired by the man who hires out the sunbeds on the beach and I am a little browner than when I left. The main work effort of the next term will be to sustain the colour I have gone and augment it by judicious prone sessions during the weekends so that the finishing touches can be added in the summer.
The weather in Catalonia since we have left has been awful and it looks depressing for the future as well. I can see that I am going to have to transfer my faith in the clement weather of Maspalomas to the beach of Castelldefels!
Tonight is the night that Toni is going to have more than two drinks (!) to celebrate the fact that his course of antibiotics for bronchitis is over and he can take alcohol. It should be a wild night!
Another Brandstetter novel is finished leaving five to go. As we only have a day and a half to go I fear that there will be some left over to deflect me from schoolwork when we get home!
As is traditional at this stage of a holiday to Gran Canaria for me, I do not wish to go home. There are one or two lottery tickets which we haven’t checked so there is always a chance!
Fingers and other bits and pieces are firmly crossed.
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