
Friday, February 22, 2013

Wet weekend

According to the depressing forecast we are in for an unrelentingly large number of days of damp, dull, un-Spanish weather.  Even yesterday, which was an unappetising day, had its little moment of sunshine.  It is a rare day indeed when there is no glimpse of the sun.  Admittedly I was indoors, making my lonely way up and down the swimming pool at the time of the moment of sunny splendour, but the roof of the pool is transparent and the walls are glass, so there is every opportunity for the glow to penetrate.  And it does do something to the feelings when you can expect a sight of our star during even the most unprepossessing day.  It is, after all, one of the reasons that I am here!

The last TMA has been returned and the tutor has made all the pleasingly right noises about my poem and justification that I could have wished for.  As far as I can work out, I have now done enough to pass the continuous assessment part of the course – but I must now put that behind me and concentrate on the next essay.  Even if it will be icing on the cake rather than the cake itself!

My quandary, if it can be assessed as such, is that I have a choice of three ways to proceed with the final assignment.  The most obvious course for me is to do the academic essay on Hard Times, but the other options of contributing on the Book 3 Forum or writing as essay on the historical background are also tempting. 

At the moment the Forum is not very productive, as few people seem to be contributing and, frankly, the history essay looks too text-book-derivative to be stimulating.  So, my real choice is to knuckle down and get on with Dickens and start writing.  Which is probably what I will do over the weekend.  Which cannot come too soon.  For me.

My return home was not quite the “and now the weekend starts – enjoy!” that I had hoped for.  Instead it was “everything is up in the air because an aunt is in hospital” sort of start to the two days of freedom.  An immanent visit to Terrassa is on the cards with other disruption a distinct possibility!

At least, where’er I roam I will have my library with me in the form of my trusty iPhone 5.  I am so prejudiced that I truly cannot tell if the phone is better or worse than my Samsung Galaxy, but I do know (or at least I think I know) that I am getting on better with the iPhone than I ever did with the Samsung.  Such is the power of Apple to those inclined to worship at the shrine; we are blind to any imperfections and cling to the True Way with the dogged faith of the zealot!

Surrounded as I am by coughs and colds, sickness and sore throats, debilitation and depression I am, at last having the good grace slowly to succumb to malaise and am gradually developing the symptoms of those around me.  The tickle at the back of the throat is surely becoming more insistent and the phlegmy cough makes the packet of tissues a necessary accessory. 

I will of course manfully fight the onset of illness, but I am no longer prepared to keep calm and carry on as in the old days and perhaps there is part of me which is hankering for one of my bi-annual days in bed to get better!

As part of my treatment I have just made a honey and lemon hot drink which is a sure and certain remedy for virtually anything, as any fule kno – ah, Stewart, that phrase is one for you as your memory lives on!

Depressingly there are still four weeks or so to the Easter Holidays and the Scylla and Charybdis of exams and meetings to negotiate before the days of rest are granted, but on hands and knees and with gritted teeth the days are passing and the summer is drawing ever nearer.

Not that you would be able to guess that from the weather that is afflicting us at the moment.  There is a sort of damp, grasping coldness which leaches out warmth from a body, especially one like mine the top half of which is clothed in a short sleeved shirt!

I have told myself that a short sleeved shirt is necessary for a number of reasons – not the least of which is that it is a bloody sight easier to iron than the long sleeved variety! 

The reasons are: I do not need to wear a long sleeved shirt because I am a mammal and warm blooded and do not feel the cold; the cuffs get dirty very quickly and you have to change the shirt or roll up the sleeves, so you might as well wear a short sleeved shirt in the first place; my newish watch needs light to keep the battery going and long sleeves restrict its power intake; wearing short sleeves in the winter in Catalonia is a source of wonder to the natives; short sleeved shirts are cheaper; short sleeves are eco-efficient as there is less to wash and dry . . . I could go on, but I feel that my case is made!

“The All-Baroque Box” has been fed into the iMac and I am more than pleased with the quality of the recordings.  Some of the stuff there is somewhat “difficult” for me – the Goldberg Variations, for example are for more rarefied tastes than mine, but I am determined to get through them all, even if it is one a day for the benefit of my immortal soul.  Recordings of music that I know well are on original instruments and have a crispness that is positively exciting!  I am looking forward to exploring the fifty discs in more detail over the coming months.

And there are other box sets which are almost unbearably tempting.  And I am not one to resist temptation: what is good enough for Oscar is good enough for me!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Music is the answer!

The new CD box set is going down nicely as I plough from Mighty Figure in Music to Mighty Figure in Music as the suicidal motorbike riders weave their enticingly vulnerable dance of death, skittishly almost clipping the cars they pass in their insane dicing with obliteration for the sake of a few gained seconds on the deadly morning motorway. 

I am now (almost) blasé about the lane changing of fellow motorists, as I keep reminding myself that “indication” in this country means “action” not “intention.”  Once that simple apercu is firmly lodged in the driver’s mind you can watch the warp and weft of Spanish driving with a certain degree of detachment.  Not too much, you understand – you always have to be aware that you are the shuttle!

After the glut of the dark stuff on the first day of the extended Chocolate Week, I had to step in and keep the faith by making more chocolates, which were distributed between the two buildings today.  I basically used up all the white I had and made it more palatable by adding nuts and dried fruit and, in some places by creating two-tone chocolates!  All in all a success – though I think that my colleagues are a little mystified at my concentration on chocolate while eating relatively little of it!  Nothing is simple.

We are limping towards the end of another week and our hapless students are looking forward (and yes, I do mean that ironically) to yet another set of examinations – all of which, of course, will have to be marked.  O joy!  And the further joy is that this particular irritation of examinations will spawn vacuous meetings to consolidate the misery of the experience!

I will think about more positive aspects of living.  My latest TMA is due imminently and I need that to get down to work on the next.  This weekend I must finish my reading of Hard Times and begin to draft out the basis of my essay.  I had hoped that the last assignment could be participation on the novel forum, but the participation of my fellow students has been particularly laggard and so there is little opportunity to do much responding if the initial material is not there.  But I will soldier on and hope for the best – or at least a little more academic chatter!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Life without chocolate!


No one brought in chocolate today – though chocolate brownies did appear for lunch and mid afternoon, though that was by luck and not intention.  I have therefore taken to the bowl over boiling water and made another batch of my incomparable chocolates.  As I only have one purpose made mould for the sweets I have pressed into service the plastic trays from other bought sweets and just hope that the plastic has not become an integral part of the delight.  I have not yet had the courage to try and prise them out, so all is to see.

Tomorrow is a short day, thank god.  Though it is also a full one.  All my teaching periods of the day are one after the other, so I am not exactly relaxed by the end of the morning after teaching five periods on the trot.  However there is the “afternoon” to recover.

Tomorrow should also be the day on which my second tutor marked assignment is returned leaving only the longer literature essay and the examination to go before I start the next course.  I read through the examination preparation booklet this evening and the more is reassured, the more disturbed I felt.  I suppose that is because each examination I have taken has been presented as a sort of underhand trick, with questions specifically designed to trap the unwary.  The OU is, of course, above such dubious academic skulduggery and they take a Peter Brook like approach to examinations going out of their way to show that they have nothing up their academic sleeves!  This is so foreign to what I am used that I find it disconcerting to say the least!

Perhaps the most unsettling element in the whole experience is the time allowed for the exam.  There are three hours allocated, though they say that the exam can be completed in two.  As my previous approach to examination is to start writing at the beginning and go on writing until the end, I am going to find this unnatural expansiveness that I shouldn’t use very odd.  I do have time to get used to the vagaries of the OU’s approach to what should be a time of stress and grief, as the exam itself is not for another couple of months.  Time enough to worry about such things after the next essay has safely been electronically delivered to my tutor!

I am at present on the Third Floor to escape the appalling quality of television presentation of the Barça – Milan Champions League game.  The sullen silence from downstairs indicates that Barça are still a goal adrift.  A goal scored, I might add, as soon as I left the room!  Make of that what you will.

I am still assiduously add the discs of “The All-Baroque Box” to my insatiable hard drive.  The quality of the recordings that I have sampled so far is very encouraging and I am waiting to get to the dreaded Brandenburg Concertos to find out if these recordings will be the ones which finally get me to like this music that I know so well.  It is very odd, but these Concertos have always left me cold.  The version on Archiv is of Trevor Pinnock and The English Concert (on authentic instruments) from a 1982 DGG recording.  I live in hope.  Though it is not lively!

Amazon, a shameless organization if ever there was one, is now bombarding me with unmissable box set offers of CD form all sorts of companies.  None of which I can possibly pass by.  I can’t help feeling that I am, single-bank-accountedly keeping these music purveyors going and they are taking shameless advantage of me by repackaging old recordings and gulling me into forking out vast sums of money for stuff that I have already got!  Philips are a canny company and they are now producing “Limited Edition” box sets which I suspect are previous box sets with the discs put in a different order!  I trust that this is a grave slander and I must check and it if turns out to be untrue I will be delighted to withdraw my animadversions and throw money at a company which has taken a fair amount of my hard earned cash over the years!

I have just been told that Barça lost 2-0 against Milan.  O dear!  It may just be a result for you, but I have to live with the consequences far closer to home!  At least La Liga seems safe.  Please god!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's not all bad!

One should be satisfied with one reasonable thing happening during a day but quite a few illuminated my sojourn in school this morning.

The first satisfaction was one which extended itself throughout the time that I was there and that was of nothing.  Nothing.  No reaction whatsoever to my conspicuous absence from one of the bone-grindingly tedious meetings that make up such an important part of the life of the School on the Hill.  No one said anything. 

Most satisfactory. 

It may be that the powers that be are biding their time and will “have words” later, but I trust that this is a clear indication of the way in which I can proceed for the sixteen or so weeks of my time remaining in the institution.  I have not worked out the number of week with any degree of exactitude, but I leave during the third week in June which is about four months with what must be a couple of weeks of holiday, leaving fourteen weeks of work, or 70 days or so – and counting!

My extended version of Chocolate Week has got off to a flying start with my home-made chocolates on Monday augmented by birthday chocolates from a colleague and extended today with home-made truffles with nuts, home made fairy cakes and a superb, exclusive shop-bought cake today.  A source of considerable satisfaction!  I only hope that other colleagues have been sufficiently shamed by the largesse which has been vouchsafed to them that they add their own offerings during the rest of the week!

Lunch (after my swim) was in our usual “jubilado” ‘Com a casa’ restaurant in the centre of town.  We timed our entry exactly and had one of the last tables available.  Although the place must be an absolute gold mine positively coining money, it is difficult to feel resentment (though not impossible, you understand!) because they offer excellent value for money by providing more than adequate food at reasonable cost.  My meal was of moist rice flavoured with chicken and rabbit, followed by pork, thinly sliced in a tomato based sauce with cubed potatoes.  The dessert was a cake Tiramisu.  This lot was washed down with red wine and Casera with café con hielo.  For about nine quid.  And the sun was shining.  Who can reasonably ask for more!

At the moment I am busily feeding the CDs from “The All-Baroque Box” into the welcoming terabyte of memory on my overpriced iMac.  The quality of the stuff that I am loading is excellent and I do not consider eighty quid for 50 excellent discs to be excessive!  This is a bargain whichever way you look at it.  Apart from its title of course which is terminally naff and totally unworthy of Archiv and Oiseau Lyre.  However, I can live with that.  I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who likes music from Monteverdi to Bach.  It’s all here!  Including, of course, people who are obviously insultingly famous of whom I have never heard: Johann David Heinichen ?  But I will get to know them and then speak of them as though they had been the musical themes for my childish whistles!

Marking has now built up into an insurmountable wall of infantile scribbles which do not beckon with any degree of allurement.  I am hoping that their combined weight will force me to do some marking if only to reduce the pressure on the joints of my right arm as I lug my briefcase from building to building!

Tomorrow sees me in school for the whole of a torturous day but, it is a Wednesday which is traditionally seen as the “tipping day” when are over half way through the week and therefore nearer the weekend to come than the weekend of past distant memory.

And at least I have one less distraction to worry about as I have now finished all five of the published volumes in George R R Martin’s interminable “A Song of Ice and Fire”, the latest read being “A Dance with Dragons”.  This vast novel has come to no final conclusion and, as far as I can see, the series is destined to go on for ever – or at least until people finally die from terminal frustration.  He has adopted the frustrating convention of giving his chapter headings the name of a character in the novel so you know before you start that you are going to bored witless by the inane non events of some of his more fatuous creations.  Even the interesting baddies have lost their allure and I frankly couldn’t care less about where the rest of this baggy saga is going.  Which doesn’t mean, of course, that I will not be tempted by one of the evil little Amazon inducements to get involved in the next instalment.  Time might soften the memory of all that ploughing!  Who knows?

But, the fifth volume out of the way does give me the incentive to turn to all those “scripts” (?) which I need to give back to eager kids desperate for some sort of teacher scrawl on them.  I after all, am waiting for my own tutor to return my work for the OU, so I do share the impatience of see what someone else has made of my innermost thoughts!

There is, however, the small but significant question of my work on Dickens.  I have decided that I prefer to read the novel on the iPad, because it is very much easier to highlight and make notes.  We will then see if I have managed to understand the instructions gleaned from YouTube about how to get my comments printed out.

As usual there is not enough time in the day for everything that one wants to do.  Which surely is a good thing!