
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2021

Write on!

childhood | Bennis Public Relations Inc | Blogging for beginners, Stumbling  on happiness, Public relations



How easy it is to let a few days slip by without putting finger to keyboard!

     As a person who actually enjoys writing, there must be something deeply sinister in an attitude that will wilfully lapse into indolence rather than do something that he enjoys.  Obviously, there are excuses, the first and foremost being courtesy.

     This weekend we had an old friend to stay, and we dutifully and willingly ate (and drank very little, sigh!) with her until she left on the train for the bus for home.  And we talked.

     There is something about talking with a friend that is intoxicating.  Everything, even the stupidest of small talk becomes imbued with significance when there is history to make even the most casual of comments chime with conversations past.

     It is as this point that I recollect a colleague who had had a fascinating life: world travel, a variety of jobs including working in an Adult Book Store, an easy and friendly approach – and yet his conversation, even (or especially) when talking about overtly interesting things, was boring in the extreme.  He was one of those people who, for reasons not entirely clear, drained interest from the content of his talk.

     I often tried to analyse just what it was that made him so oddly boring but, alas, I rarely found myself concentrating enough on what he was saying to give myself enough evidence to draw conclusions!

     And yet, I have had conversations, even whole evenings, of inconsequential chatter that was forgotten almost as soon as the evening was over, but whose warm memory of friendship and communality lingers longer.

     Is all of the preceding an extended excuse of inaction?  Probably.  And in justification, I am writing now.


Titanium (@Glor5065) / Twitter




Duolingo, the languages teaching app, is still exerting its siren-like grip over Toni and myself.  We have, wholeheartedly, bought into the idea, nay the concept, of progression “to the next league” as something which is self-evidently availing to good, even though our present position commanding the heights of our respective The Sapphire Leagues has brought us nothing apart from a number next to our names: the first three places on the list having a more elaborate number decoration than those lower down.

     As with any system, part of the learning process is working out how to play that system.

     The whole motivating process of the learning on this app is fuelled by the acquisition of points that give you your place on the list. 

     The points can be earned by successfully completing lessons and, as you progress within a lesson group you can gain crowns to show your position within that topic.  As you move from one level to another, you are given the opportunity (for 15 minutes) to gain double points for any lessons that you complete.  You can also buy your way into high paying (in points terms) exercises by using up some of your gems that you also earn as you progress.

     Some people manage to accrue thousands of points, and as the usual pay-out for a lesson completed is about 20ish, you either have to devote yourself all day to using the app or, you pay to buy the professional version of the app which gives you unlimited lives and free opportunities to the higher scoring exercises.

     If you have read up to this point, then you are either a devotee of Duolingo or you are an ‘outsider’ waiting to see what the pay-off of all this writing is.


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If there is a conclusion that I can draw from all this, it is that the app is using tried and tested approaches to involve the user in the program in the hope that they either watch and respond to the adverts that litter the before and after of the lessons, but also feel frustration about the ‘free’ version because it is too limiting.  I can feel myself becoming more and more drawn to paying money for this ostensible ‘free’ app because I want to get rid of the adverts and I want to be able to make simple errors without losing a precious life.

     The app has encouraged me to do more work on my Spanish for a longer sustained period of time than mere physical lessons with a teacher have ever managed to get out of me!  In that sense, the ever-present phone and the easily reached app are providing a positive boost to my learning.

     And learning a foreign language, any foreign language, must be a good thing.

     But, exactly the same techniques with lives, points, hearts, animations, questions and responses, musical accompaniment, leagues, positions, congratulations etc etc etc can be used for much more pernicious reasons.

     Toni and I are working at our respective language courses for a chunk of time and are putting ourselves out for a position in a randomly constructed hierarchy of attainment, and we feel gratified by our placement within that arbitrary ranking.  We take the automatically generated congratulations and animated celebrations at our successes as something real and something to stimulate us to continue and to progress.

     We are gaining knowledge, and anything that gives me the impetus to make an effort has to be a good thing.  But it does make me look at the way that advertising is presented, and the same techniques are used in game playing and I’m sure in gambling.

     Just because you can sense that you are being manipulated, that does not protect you from manipulation.  In the Duolingo app I welcome the encouragement to participate and to progress and I am willing to accept the digital ‘payment’ the app supplies as something real to keep me at it.

     Even if I succumb and pay the monthly rate to upgrade my experience, I can still tell myself that it is a small price to pay to speak the language by which I am surrounded.

     And I am far to digital savvy to be seduced by tempting pixels.  Aren’t I?

     When I started typing this, I was First in my League.  I am fighting the temptation to check on my position now to find out if I need to a bit of emergency lessoning to restore my pre-eminence.

     In fact, I can’t check immediately, because my phone is downstairs recharging after all the use that I have made of it today.  But I do want to check!

     The app is working!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


OK, I admit it.  It only took me until Day 2 of the Lockdown to binge watch episodes of The Good Place on Netflix.  So much for strength of character and finding more culturally respectable resources to keep me occupied.  I have, however, given myself a little cultural leeway in my watching by asserting that the whole series is predicated on John Paul Sartre’s observation that “Hell is other people” and therefore I feel morally justified in watching.

     For those of you who don’t know about this series (even though I am now on Season 4!), it stars Ted Hanson and its central idea is that four people die and go to what they assumed is Heaven, but in fact it is a truly devilish new torment where they have actually been chosen to inflict torment on each other in what they think are perfect surroundings, their own discomfort at not being entirely satisfied in what they believe is heaven is another part of their torture.  It is a comedy and it ranges from slapstick to fairly sophisticated verbal humour, and I am slightly addicted.  Ever so slightly.  I wonder what other well established series I will ‘discover’ during this immolation!

I very much appreciate the messages from friends and relatives who have responded to the international news of the Catalan lockdown by sending us their concern.  I think that it will not be long before we in Catalonia are sending similar messages of support to those countries that are just starting the process that will inevitably lead to their own particular lockdowns. 

     Who really knows how effective the measure put in place are actually going to be?  We really are in a situation where we in the so-called developed world have not been since the Spanish Flu of just over a century ago.  That pandemic was characterised by lies and disinformation – how unlike our present times, and yes, I am being ironic, and yes, I am looking at you Trump!  Spain was one of the few countries to be open about the infection and consequently got the country labelled with the virus, though it is certain that Spain was not the country in which the virus originated.  Well, it is still relatively early days; we wait to see how the situation will develop.

I wrote another poem yesterday and I must start putting my new poems on my other blog [] together with a commentary about their genesis – I do, after all, have time to do it!

     After a moment of brief panic this morning, I found the notes that I had made for the poem on memory that has taken so much time.  There have been a few false starts with this one and one major re-think, but I am still convinced that there is a central idea worth working on and so I will continue to scribble my way through a few more sheets before I let the concept go.  When I have a draft approaching reasonableness, I will put it on the smrnewpoems site as well.  If nothing else, I intend to make this enforced isolation an opportunity for as much writing as possible!

     With other chapbooks that I have produced, I have always tried to add illustrations to them.  Sometimes this has been via the kind collaboration of friends and sometimes alone.  I enjoy photography and I have sometimes added photos to the poetic mix.  Being confined to a single house poses its own challenges when considering illustration, but it is one that I hope I can rise to.  I think this is a time to find those telling details to be the subject matter of my lens – there isn’t another option, so again it will be interesting to see how that idea develops through the weeks.

I’ve now watched the whole of The Good Place, some 40 episodes, but without advertising intervals and the introductions you get through then fairly quickly.  I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed them, though the concept was getting a little thin by the end and the eventual conclusion was welcome.

SM el Rey was making a speech to the nation in response to the allegations of financial corruption by his father and himself regarding illegal kickbacks and the foundation of offshore accounts.  At 9 pm when the Bourbon was making his statement people around Spain, and certainly here in Catalonia opened their windows and banged wooden spoons against saucepans as a (traditional) noisy sign of their disgust at the grubby machinations of the royal family.  It will be interesting to the see the response of our attenuated government and the usually slavishly loyal press in Spain.

Viva la Republica!