There is something truly exciting about founding a school.
The idea is taking a step closer to reality with our looking at suitable premises to start an ‘emergency’ school perhaps for September!
There are, as you can imagine, various problems connected with the establishment of a teaching institution with under twenty days to go before the start of term but anything to relieve these tedious days of lazing in the sun and listening to the ipod. One feels that one has to do something so why not help found a school?
Reality is obviously going to come and smash us in the face in the very near future, but until the assault actually happens we can go on making our plans.
Contacting parents is proving be to be the most difficult aspect of conveying information to the people who need to know it most. I do now kick myself for not taking telephone numbers when I had the opportunity. It will be much more difficult to establish good communications. I have thought of wandering around Sitges in a hopeful looking sort of way, but then I considered that I would probably be arrested for loitering with intent rather than being successful in finding our elusive parents!
At the moment all is mere speculation but the next few days should produce something of more moment.
AJ now seems determined to come to Castelldefels and should arrive the week after next all being well. And next week Emma should be installed. It will be excellent seeing them both again after a long absence.
I like any opportunity to go to Barcelona and expound on the glories and curiosities of the city.
And the meals of course!
The idea is taking a step closer to reality with our looking at suitable premises to start an ‘emergency’ school perhaps for September!
There are, as you can imagine, various problems connected with the establishment of a teaching institution with under twenty days to go before the start of term but anything to relieve these tedious days of lazing in the sun and listening to the ipod. One feels that one has to do something so why not help found a school?
Reality is obviously going to come and smash us in the face in the very near future, but until the assault actually happens we can go on making our plans.
Contacting parents is proving be to be the most difficult aspect of conveying information to the people who need to know it most. I do now kick myself for not taking telephone numbers when I had the opportunity. It will be much more difficult to establish good communications. I have thought of wandering around Sitges in a hopeful looking sort of way, but then I considered that I would probably be arrested for loitering with intent rather than being successful in finding our elusive parents!
At the moment all is mere speculation but the next few days should produce something of more moment.
AJ now seems determined to come to Castelldefels and should arrive the week after next all being well. And next week Emma should be installed. It will be excellent seeing them both again after a long absence.
I like any opportunity to go to Barcelona and expound on the glories and curiosities of the city.
And the meals of course!
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