
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Woe! Woe! And thrice woe!

Resultado de imagen de reading the entrails

We didn’t have a turkey so there was no possibility of inspecting the entrails to use an augury for the new year, so I looked around for something more metaphorical and discovered that my smartwatch had run out of power.  So New Years Eve on the lead up to the strokes of midnight and the eating of the twelve grapes of luck were accompanied by a woefully blank watch face attached to my wrist as I had omitted to bring the charger with me to Terrassa.

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As with all electronic equipment with a visual display, there is nothing quite so dead as a blank screen.  So as everyone else checked their watches with the time displayed on the television, I merely saw the gleam of darkness on the black glass covered screen with occasional bright spots from the ambient light reflected from the useless decoration on my wrist.

My Pebble (O happy memory!) is now long gone, replaced by the Amazfit, but not quite compensating for the loss.  Pebble used to send cheerful and positive messages like, “Your Pebble is powered until this evening!” encouraging you to recharge – and a single Pebble recharge would last well over a week for me.  Then the firm sold themselves and their product and the Pebble ceased to be and for me, all the replacements have been pale reflections of the excellence of the product now gone.

Resultado de imagen de rebecca riots

Anyway, there might have been some sort of message, but it is easy to overlook that in the hectic build up to and recovery from Christmas.  What was indubitable was the blank face of timelessness that I stubbornly kept on my wrist in spite of the fact that it didn’t even look mildly attractive as a bracelet!  I found it interesting that I preferred to have the dead thing on my wrist rather than nothing.  Even though my phone tells the time, I need a watch, I feel strangely bereft and naked without one – but then I am also the person who has continued to buy CDs to play in the car even though it shows up my Luddite tendencies as far as real gadget freaks are concerned.  It is the technological equivalent of using a hand loom – the next thing I will do is dress up as a woman and start burning down toll gates!

When I did think about my powerless watch, and I did that often during the evening in the compulsive way that people have in looking at their watches in spite of not needing to know the time, I thought it was anything but a positive omen to go into the new year with my tekke credentials in tatters.

Resultado de imagen de echo spot

By way of compensation, we have started to Alexa-ify our home, starting with an Echo Spot and a selection of smart plugs.  It is now possible to turn on the television, lights (domestic and tree) and kettle with words of command.

Or at least it would be if the words of command were in English.  In a further effort to make me use what little Spanish I have, Toni has set up Alexa to respond in Spanish.  And it/she does to him, but it/she takes grave exception to my pronunciation of the language and goes into length diatribes about how she has not been programmed to respond to my outlandish version of the language that she finds perfectly easy to understand when voiced by Toni.  If nothing else it will force me to improve my pronunciation of certain key words in Spanish, or I will be forced (o misery!) to switch things on by hand!  To demonstrate that I am getting better, I have just switched the television on and off and opened a classical music radio station from where I am sitting and typing – and adjusted the volume!

When I explained to a friend in the UK on the telephone that we had just installed the first gadgets of Alexa he was astonished that I had done it earlier.  And he has a point.  As an ‘early adopter’ of any flashy gadget-type innovations it is certainly something that should have been up and running long before 2019!

Which brings me back to my dead watch.  Apart from the fact that I obviously misread the tiny power indicator on the watch face before I left and, as we were only staying overnight, I assumed that there was enough power to see me through and therefore I was fully justified in not taking the small unique charger, what did that black empty face indicate?

Perhaps I read too much into trivial, unrelated items and give them a significance that I know (really) they do not deserve.  But the dysfunctionality is suggestive of so many aspects of what is likely to occur in 2019 both domestically and also internationally that it is tempting to see the blank face of stopped time as Fate trying her best to blank out what is in the future!

For my watch, it only took a return home and the placement (with a firm click) into its charger for power to be returned.  Though, as a further illustration of how metaphor can extend into the real problems of the future, the watch did not start working without a ‘re-start’ a force loading of the app to get it going again.  After what has happened in 2018, many aspects of life that we took for granted will be forced into a ‘re-start’ in 2019.  And those ‘re-starts’ are not going to be quite as easy as the two side buttons press that was all it took to get my watch operational.

Resultado de imagen de optimism

Still, I remain absurdly optimistic, even though blatantly, outwardly pessimistic, and look forward to the year ahead.   

If nothing else, it should see a couple of my books published, and seeing those through the press (what a quaintly outmoded expression for what actually goes on) and that will keep me occupied, and more importantly, give me something else to concentrate on when the idiocies of the world around me become too much to bear!

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Is faith dead?

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Some people think that the title is merely rhetorical, as the answer is most obviously and resoundingly, “Yes!”  But that ignores the evidence of simple, everyday observation.

Admittedly, in this Roman priest ridden, yet strangely non-church going country, faith in a caring (or indeed malign) divinity is largely absent, yet simple acts of faith are plain to see.

Especially where zebra crossings are involved.

Resultado de imagen de zebra crossings

I am constantly amazed, as a driver, at what blind belief pedestrians display in the power of painted black and white lines on a road.  They stride onto the crossing as if there were adamantine walls along the edges of the passing to save them from the most determined of massive lorries – of course without looking to see if any juggernaut is coming their way.  They know, in a way which demonstrates their complete belief, that as soon, nay! before their foot has touched the black or white, they are protected from anything up to and including tactical nuclear weapons.

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We may not see the devout walking across roads telling the beads of their rosaries nowadays, but we certainly see the modern equivalent which is the ‘telling’ of the elements of social media interactions on their mobile phones, with their eyes glued to the small glowing rectangles (in portrait mode) and their ears plugged in (wirelessly or otherwise) to the relentless musification of Spotify.  Completely involved in the mobile word they have, they believe, complete immunity from the slings and arrows of outrageous driving that as a pedestrian terrifies me on a

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daily basis too.

It is a known fact (that I once looked up on the Internet and so it must be true and not fake news) that Spanish drivers are more dangerous than the French.  OK, we are not talking about the suicidal/homicidal driving of nations like the Greek or Turkish (I am still having counselling to mitigate the deleterious effects of a traumatic taxi trip from the centre of Istanbul to the Airport many years ago) but the standard of driving here is abysmally low.  And since most pedestrians are drivers, they know how little concern those drivers have for those not in cars when they are in them – so to speak.  And yes, the transcendental equanimity, or crass stupidity, with which they stride onto a busy road putting their trust in fading paint is astonishing.

And strangely humbling, of course.

Would that I had could share their faith in anything to the same degree of absolute trust that those walkers display each time they ignore the possible (fatal) consequences of uniting for a brief moment with a fast-moving large metal ram on wheels secure in the fact that they are protected by a painted series of road mounted post-modernist glyphs at their feet!

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How wonderful to live in a world in which opportunities for the affirmation of faith are to be found along every road, where devotion is as painless as a few seconds of walking.  No need for the Camino de Santiago with its length and privations to show belief, all you have to do is cross the road: if you survive you will have demonstrated the Truth of your Faith; if you do not, then you will have been taken in an Act of Faith and will therefore, assuredly, go to your reward.

However, belief does not equal truth, and in the reasonable world it would be more advantageous for everyone if crossings were not regarded as challenges.  If zebra crossings could be regarded as courteous requests for passage rather than opportunities to exercise unalienable rights; where stopped cars could be invariably thanked for their allowing passage, I can’t help thinking that we would live in a happier, safer and richer world.

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I should be congratulated by not using the dreaded word that haunts my waking hours and depletes my pound-paid pension – but it is not difficult to see the approach to the zebra crossing (albeit via a non-British population) as a clear metaphor for the March-approaching act of self-harm that my ‘government’ seems hell-bent (sic.) on inflicting on us in another act of unreasonable ‘faith’.

I enter 2019 with no great feelings of positive progression on a national scale, but I reassure myself that the personal possibility is always hopeful.   


Monday, December 03, 2018

Deja vu - again!

There was a time (I’m sure that there was a time) when Corporal Jones’s hysterical injunction in Dad’s Army “Don’t panic!” was funny.  We could laugh at his over reaction to all and every situation as he blindly staggered around in all directions!  Now his gibbering proclamations seem to be the absolute norm as each new day brings in news of yet another backward, self-harming, political disaster.  The seemingly inexorable slide to the right of people as they feel that traditional politics has done nothing for them is horrific.

The latest backward step has been taken in Spain, to be specific in Andalusia in the south of the country.  This region is the most populous in Spain and has been ruled by PSOE (the so-called Socialist party of Spain) for over thirty years.  As with all political groupings that have had power for so long, Andalusia is full of crony-corruption and the word “socialist” is the title of the party is a grotesque misnomer.

Years of mismanagement came to head in the local elections on Sunday.  Added to mismanagement of the region, you could consider the fact that this is the first real opportunity to give a reaction to the “Socialist” Prime Minister who has taken over from the irredeemably corrupt PP group of conservatives; an opportunity for disenchanted (ha!) PP voters to move over to another right-wing party like the sluttish Ciudadanos party who will link with anyone if they can get a whiff of power and, for the first time since the demise of the dictatorship in Spain, an extreme right party Vox.

Both PP and PSOE have lost seats, so the only way that the party can retain power is by joining with another party.  Podemos is the most left-wing mainstream (sort of) party in Spain, but even if PSOE and Podemos joined together, they would not be able to gain a majority.  On the other wing, the three parties of the right and extreme right would have a majority if they decided to work together.


Popular vote

Blank ballots

In response to the situation in Catalonia and the strength of the independence movement there has been a marked growth in nationalistic politics in Spain with much waving of the Spanish flag and chanting of ¡Viva España!  Both PP and Ciudadanos have moved substantially to the right with the new leader of PP actually saying that colonialism was not a bad thing, but was the creating of a Greater Spain!  Ciudadanos has become more stridently anti-immigrant, and I am ashamed to admit that this discredited party actually has the largest number of seats in Castelldefels – though no majority and they are therefore not in power as all the other parties have combined to keep them out.  Quite rightly too!

But it is a national disgrace that a party like Vox has managed to gain seats in any regional parliament.  The Constitution of democratic Spain (flawed though it is) is only 40 years old.  Franco died in 1976, this is not ancient history, how has the reality of the dictatorship become so blunted that people can vote for a party like Vox?  But they have.  And we will have to deal with the movement that could well become a national phenomenon.

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As in so many countries around the world politics is now so divisive that reasonable discussion seems to be beyond virtually everyone.  Fact based evaluation seems to be passé nowadays as we live in a post-truth environment where opinion is valid and is proof enough in itself without relation to the wider world of reality.

Vox is the shadow of fascism rising again.  Their hate filled rhetoric utilizing all the tropes of the extreme right are depressingly familiar with anyone who has read the history of the twentieth century.

I suppose that one of the major differences between past situations in the twentieth century and the here and now is the abdication of the “leader” of the free world from a collaborative engagement as an ally with the people of the democratic world, to a detached, petty, Twitter dominated, isolationist nationalism.

And as if the world situation was not dire enough, I get the results from my first Catalan examination tomorrow!