
Monday, October 24, 2011

The Day

Well, if something can be salvaged from this worst of birthdays it must be that I managed to slope off an hour early from the mind-numbingly tedious meeting that I had to go to at the end of a day in which I had taught five periods and done a dinner duty.  While the rain poured down.

To be fair my mood lightened considerably as soon as I left the meeting.  Given the tropical storm that was raging when I left the building, I was soaked by the time I made it to my car which I had carefully moved from one end of the campus to the other so that I was prepared for a quick getaway.

My cunning Smarties Plan worked to a certain extent.  I pleaded with the chair of the meeting to be let off early mumbling in my gibberish Spanish that people were waiting at home and I had work to do before the fiesta started.  Drifting from Spanish to English I am not sure either of us fully understood the other but what I took from the conversation was that I could leave after the two years in which I was largely concerned had been “done”.  Having got this assurance (I think) I then put the Smarties Plan into operation.

I walked along the front of the square of tables set out for the hapless teachers and gave each one of them a mini packet of Smarties informing them that this was a “soborno” or bribe – I left the reason why I was bribing people open; if they don’t know my blatant loathing of this pointless exercises by now they never will.

By the time I had distributed half a dozen boxes I had a round of applause and the delight on peoples’ faces was reward enough for the vast expenditure in Lidl for two bags of mini boxes.

It was very pleasing to see people popping Smarties like pills throughout the course of the meeting.  I said not a word as usual and packed up and left when I thought that the time was right.

A fairly quick call into the supermarket and home to a full house of Toni’s family sorting things out.  I was ordered to have a shower and get dressed and, in honour of Wales’ outstanding performance in the World Cup I donned my red jersey and settled down to enjoy a pica pica meal to celebrate my birthday.

Eventually Carlos joined us and we were able to open the exorbitantly expensive and faux medieval bottle of Cava – which was delicious; I even managed to remember to save the metal cap on the cork for Tina’s sister-in-law, who collects such things.

I have bought myself a birthday present which can be quite easily guessed at and The Family gave me a photograph of a present which they were not able to get to me in time!  The compensation shirt I was bought was quite acceptable while I wait for the main event!

A good end to a totally crap day – only enlivened by chocolate.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

United Nations Day Eve

There are many reasons to dread a birthday but I positively welcome the hustle and bustle of the preparation.  I relish the arrival of people and the possibilities of conversation.  The washing up can be done by a dishwasher and the tile floors are spick and span with the passing of a hoover.  Presents are always a problem for me, not because of any reluctance on my part to accept with open arms anything that anyone is prepared to give, but rather because I know that people find it difficult to choose something that they think I might like.

Buying a book is a hostage to fortune; my skin is positively skittish when it comes to reacting with all but a selected few fragrances; the gadgets I want are way beyond the normal price limit even the nearest and dearest to me can afford; art is unthinkable when I have made it clear that what I really want is a small, unobtrusive Van Eyck; flowers are always acceptable but no one ever thinks them appropriate; I have my own tea supplier and I abhor household good disguised as gifts.

There is always booze.  Alcohol has been something of a forbidden fruit to me for the course of the antibiotics, but I am going to get off the wagon with a rather spectacular bottle of Cava which has a metallic base and a rather flamboyant metal badge on the neck. 

It was much more expensive than the price that I pay for truly a decent bottle of Cava, but it still cost less than an ordinary bottle of named Champagne.  I will have to discover if the quality of this fizzy liquid goes any deeper than the de lux bottle!  Perhaps I should keep the bottle and fill it up with cheaper stuff and see if people still comment on its subtlety!

I am not convinced that I am going to enjoy it after spending more than eleven hours in school or perhaps, and this is much more likely, it won’t even touch the sides!  Unfortunately I can’t get pissed as the next day, Tuesday, I teach six periods rather than the five and a lunchtime duty and a two and a half hour meeting of the previous day.  But I might have mentioned that before in passing.  Possibly.

This is shaping up to be the worst United Nations Day that I will have ever celebrated in my life.  But am I miserable?


But won’t be when I get home.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Closed Window - alas!

It is with deep sorrow that I announce the arrival of autumn.  It came into our lives with a characteristic coolness yesterday and its presence has been confirmed by a lack of direct sunlight and lower temperatures today.  To those who continue to wear short sleeved shirts, we salute your refusal to accept the evidence of the thermometer and hope the warmth of your hearts compensate for its lack in the general climate.

There are still touches of blue in an otherwise cloud-covered sky and I cling to my memories of dull days brightening into pleasantness in this country.

The Post Pulveriser’s dogs are barking their morning joy to the world.  Presumably this is because their owner has taken the crippled dog for a walk in its wheeled chariot with the back paws bound in red insulating tape to avoid friction with the ground as their trail uselessly behind the pathetic animal.  As The Woman obviously relates more to her four legged captives than to her human neighbours the sense of loss that her other mutts feel when she takes one of them out to defecate on the surrounding pavements shows in their bewailing her absence with the usual moronic chorus of barks.

I am encouraged to hope that as the Town Hall has been pretty active in taking steps to do something about the parking post destruction they will be equally active in trying to silence her obstreperous pets.  She, and her menagerie are cordially loathed by all her neighbours and I only hope that the others have made complaints as well as us.  Certainly her other neighbour expressed his hatred in an extraordinary exhibition of a combination of Spanish, mime and dog impressions in one conversation with me as we discussed the latest knocking down of the post.

The sun has emerged.  It may be brief, but it has happened!  God bless Catalonia.  I am tempted to fly to the Third Floor and make the most of the seconds that we have been gifted.  Too late the sun went before I could make it.  The weather has now settled down into one of its default modes: “brightly dull” – which is better than dully dull which is too often the default setting for the old country!

There is just so long that you can live in chaos.  It is made easier by the fact that the true chaos is hidden behind the doors of the bookcases, but I kid myself along that it is creative chaos and therefore OK.  The Third Floor however is a different kettle of fish or confusion of objects.

Now there are compelling reasons why the place is so untidy.  Two un-collapsible sun bed cushions and four chairs with their accompanying cushions so create clutter to put it mildly.  This clutter is not helped however by the bits and pieces which have no real home of their own.

The most irritating items which wind their way everywhere are the electrical leads which I am too frightened to throw away.  They are again reaching the sort of critical mass where I have expect them to fuse themselves together into some creature from a gadget-lover’s nightmare.

There are so many leads and so much extra stuff that there is no logical place to start clearing up and I have little desire to make a start “anywhere” as being better than doing nothing.  Nothing sounds good to me.

Lunch was in our usual place where we were surrounded by the massed ranks of the retired.  We are beginning to believe that our motto for a happy and prosperous future should be “Follow the grey” – though thinking about it in my case it should be “Follow the shine” which has a rather nice messianic ring to it. 

It is certainly true that in Castelldefels that the retired have sussed out all the places which give the best value.  If the place you are going to patronize does not have the requisite proportion of “grey-and-shine” it is probably not worth going in.  Or, at the very least, be prepared to pay over the top for what you are going to get!

After lunch we called in to the branch of El Corte Ingles which is on my way to school and, remarkably, came out without spending a thing!

As Toni was tired – his leg does not seem to be improving at the rate that he would like and walking is a real strain – I was sent off to get the nibbles for United Nations Day from the supermarket.

The branch of Carrefour in El Prat (an unfortunate name but it fits the store) is one to test the patience of a good sight more saintly than an easy-going slacker like the laid back St Francis for example.

The background music in the store is not some Muzak Corporation of America version of The Four Seasons (a piece of music made justly famous by its inclusion as the music of choice of so many organizations where “call waiting” is the default setting for customer enquiries) but rather the cries and screams of small children.  Cries and screams which parents seem to assume have the same calming effect on those listening as the gentle lapping of the sea. 

They are misinformed. 

Shopping on a Saturday evening is a very stressful experience and distressed and distressing children do not lessen the strain.  Indeed their harpy (sic) little voices add a veneer of murderous intent to the way you manipulate the trolley.

It is astonishing how little people realize that a crowded store means that progress is more constricted.  They look at items on shelves with their trollies at right angles to said shelf and look surprised when I hiss a request to pass their impregnable fortifications!

The traffic in the main spine-like thoroughfare was a nightmare, sometimes so comically constricted that one suspects one is part of the supermarket re-make of “The Truman Show”!

In one bottleneck because of rampant inconsideration, there was only room for one trolley to pass.  Being the perfect British gentleman I politely kept to one side as three women swept through not one of them having the basic consideration even to note my existence, let alone express passing thanks.

People walked into my path as if the metallic trolley was made of marshmallow.  From time to time I was sorely tempted to demonstrate that metal is slightly harder.

I suppose that I shouldn’t have been shocked at the idiocy of the people in the queue in front of me.  Two North Africans were trying to buy goods using something other than money and credit which necessitated conferences and discussion; a man kept skipping off to find other goods leaving pushchair, child and shopping as a marker for his place; no one appeared to realize that payment was necessary at the end of the beeping procedure and there was the usual frantic search for purse or wallet; packing was painful to watch – and the children screamed on.

When it came to my turn I packed at the same rate that she checked and my card was ready and waiting when the total was spoken: it is not bloody rocket science.

It was night by the time I got out and needed something to raise my spirits – apart from spirits which I usually do not drink.  And drink is something which I can now do as my course of antibiotics is now officially over and alcohol may be consumed.

Tomorrow is a “fun” run and this necessitates the closing of all sorts of roads in our area while the lame, the halt and the mad “enjoy” themselves through the medium of pain.  Each to his own.
Barça have drawn against Sevilla with the end of the game descending into violent farce with Kanoute (an excellent player for Sevilla) behaving disgracefully and being sent off, soon to be followed by another player.  And Messi missed a last minute penalty.  The bloody ball went everywhere around the Sevilla goal but in it.  And I can’t believe that I am actually concerned about a mere game of football!  As a passing comment I said that Barça must have had 80% possession.  The statistics at the end of the game pointed out that I was wrong, it was actually 79%.  What is happening to me!

I obviously need more rest.



Friday, October 21, 2011

Towards the weekend!

A true disinclination to get up did not unfortunately stop me and I set out in darkness for the school.

Arrival should not have been so bad because I was off on a trip and even my first lesson was going to be taken by others.  But, there is always a but, the work that I had prepared yesterday was only half useful as the disk that was supposed to accompany all the photocopying I had done was nowhere to be found.  So, I copied another test and all seemed to be going well until the second set of photocopying I had done also lacked its disk.  Much flurrying about and off I went again to photocopy another set of tests.  This time I was informed of the missing disk with a couple of minute to go before the lesson started.

By the time I set off to join my colleague on the bus I had (although I didn’t know it at the time) lost my keys.

The mock-rehearsal student United Nations was held in a school in San Cugat.  The school itself was very impressive with a real library and an indoor swimming pool!  We held the lobbying in the school library and the General Assembly in the school theatre.  I continued to be impressed with the facilities.

Our kids were somewhat intimidated at first and had to be encouraged, or rather cajoled into taking a more active part.  It was a good day and gave the clearest indication yet as to what may be facing our kids when they go to the “real thing” in Lisbon next month.

Do not, for a moment, think that just because I went to a school a few miles away from us I am prepared to accompany the kids on a trip to a foreign country.  That is something I have not, do not and will not do.  The Lisbon excursion will have to do without me.  As indeed it is doing as the other person who is going has already been booked in on flight and hotel.  But I do not trust my school and have a sneaking suspicion that they have other plans.  But I will be firm.

We got back in good time and it was only then that my frantic search for me keys revealed their lack.  My friend the secretary, fellow survivor of The School That Sacked Me and lover of penguins was typically phlegmatic about my loss, worked out where they might be, phoned and – there they were!  A calm end to a fairly frantic day.

The evening was enlivened by the reappearance of the car crane which pulled in opposite our house and the driver and another resplendent in fluorescent jacket marched resolutely towards our house.  The intervention of Toni as translator revealed that they had come to repatriate the two parking posts which I had salvaged after the wrecking activities of person or persons unknown (ha!).

I produced the broken one (the third one to be destroyed) and the second one which I found hidden away in the bin in the street.  They thanked me profusely and tucked their spoils away underneath the crane and drove off.  I only hope that my neighbour saw me talking to the people who purloined her car a couple of days ago and starts to put her addition in order!

I think that an early night is in order.

I am coming to the end of my course of antibiotics and I should be ready to start drinking alcohol by United Nations Day!

What timing!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cool days

Preparations continue to be made to combat the horror of Friday when five members of staff are going to be absent.  This is almost unworkable and has created total chaos.  The only way that such a loss of staff can be coped with is by collapsing classes right left and centre.  Or school is very much like Heathrow Airport in that we are so close to full capacity as far as teaching loads are concerned that minor changes or illness cause panic.  If anyone is away tomorrow the whole system will implode.  As it indeed fully deserves to, because this situation is entirely self inflicted with the incredible meanness of staffing creating a situation where every snuffle is a potential disaster.

As I constantly point out, our workload is the equivalent of working an extra day a week; therefore for every five teachers' workloads we are doing a colleague out of a full time job.  The maths is simple and the reality oppressive!

As there is a flu bug going around at the moment the day is looking more and more precarious.  I’ve had my jab and anyway I am one of the people who is not going to be there, so I can think, along with King Louis the umpteenth “après moi le deluge!” – if only!

I have been wrestling with the irritations of Power Point with the added itch of trying to get the thing to work on two different systems.  The programs are the same but any split between a Mac and a PC is heading for tears.  For some reason there is a difference in the way that you download a painting in the different versions of the program and I have had to resort to using the PC in Spanish to get the annotated Futurist painting done as an example for the class that I am teaching.

In theory I should now be able to tap the whiteboard and arrows should appear followed, with another tap, by a perceptive analysis that should amaze and delight the kids.  Fat chance!  But it will show them what I want.

The weather is now clearly cooler and we even had a spiteful downpour last night.  Today is bright but cloud is obscuring direct sunlight.  When we now get direct sunlight it is summery, even if it is not summer, but I do feel that the day when I have to wear long sleeved shirts is drawing ever nearer.  I find the ironing of short sleeve shirts almost possible; their long sleeved cousins are clearly impossible to get right.  I can see me wearing short sleeves well into January!

While in school I had a message via my phone which I did not at first believe.  It appeared that our splendid police force had turned up and arrested the illegally parked car of our noisy neighbour and hoisted it onto the pack of the crane lorry.

She obviously noticed at some point that someone was trying to steal her car and came down to the police and mendaciously but vociferously protested her innocence.  As she constantly parks on the pavement, knocks down parking pillars and has noisy, irritating dogs my only regret is that Toni did not have a camera to capture every detail so that I could relish them at my leisure!

He car eventually was whisked off with her in hot pursuit.  She returned with her car and I trust a substantial sum of money missing from her purse.  I calculate she will have to have her car impounded four or five times for the state to recoup the money they have spent on replacing the parking posts!

Having had such a pleasing response to our visit to the town hall we confidently expect a ninja team of dog poisoners to visit the inconsiderate cow and do the decent thing to her caterwauling curs!

Today, this evening is a significant day as I have given in to the moaning of another person and finally closed the living room windows because of the “coldness” which I do not necessarily feel in quite the same way.  I am prepared to admit that the weather has become somewhat cooler – my car thermometer tells me that – but it is still fine weather for the time of year.

United Nations Day will be celebrated on Monday next with the obscenity of my being in school.  The hated meeting at the end of a full day's work is scheduled to go on from 5 pm to 7.30 pm!  Two and a half hours of pure unadulterated torture which will start off in Spanish and almost immediately change to Catalan.

I am going to make it clear to all and sundry that it is a significant day for me in the fond hope that some shreds of common humanity will encourage me to escape early. 

This is a futile expectation because there is a sort of fatalistic, ghoulish pleasure that some of my colleagues find in these flagellestic and masochistic events and they do not like anyone to flee the delights.  And it is good preparation for the Saturday morning performance coming up in November!

However, to sweeten the occasion I have bought mini packets of Smarties to give to my colleagues in the meeting.  At the very least it will cause them to munch away rather than talk and hopefully it will increase the guilt they feel for keeping me from my “party”.  It will also make the whole situation look slightly absurd – which will amuse me.

The Family will be waiting for me at home and I am going to make it clear that any extension of the meeting will be directly insulting to my guests! 

Anything is worth a try!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Philosophy for Schools

Last night I was thinking about existentialism.

That sounds like a bad rewriting of the opening sentence of “Rebecca” – and I would not do that to a novel which I think stands head and shoulders above anything else that Daphne du Maurier wrote, up to and including the short stories.

Jean Paul Sartre : rainI suspect that consideration of such a nihilistic philosophy might have had something to do with the awful day that I had, but I suspect in some typically twisted way it had something to do with the content of my teaching.  Knowing me it may well have been some casual throwaway remark that I made in the first form which triggered this response retrospectively and, after all, if you can’t explain existentialism to an eleven year old you don’t understand it yourself.  Anyway it fits in with selected readings from Jean Paul Sartre and sketches from The Theatre of the Absurd that I am doing with them at the moment. 

I have now got through the bulk of the teaching day with only the disaffected Y9 class at the tail end of the day to go.  O Joy!  They are going to be given back their papers and 70% of the class are going to discover that they have failed!  That should keep things going for a while!

Fantasy and unreality are gaining ground as we totter our way towards the return of the papers.  All hell is going to be loose when people who still have shreds of self-belief find that they are condemned into the outer darkness by having their results recorded and sent to their parents.

My continuing abstinence from lunch is occasioning comment, but I do feel much better for not going up to the canteen and staying in the blissful silence of an empty staffroom for twenty or so minutes.  It is my equivalent of leaving the premises during the lunch hour and is necessary for the continuance of a quiet soul.

On Friday I am off on a school trip to another school in Barcelona for our “mock” student UN conference as a dry run for the “real” thing in Lisbon next month.  I am to be the official photographer and my efforts will surely grace the pages of our very professional and colourfully glossy school magazine.  What with this domestic event and the international one later the English and Humanities Departments should make a more than respectable spread in the next issue!

Four teachers are likely to be otherwise engaged than in their classes on Friday: two real teachers and two members of management.  This creates chaos in a school staffed as meanly as ours and frantic efforts are being made to compensate for teachers not being there.  If there is any illness on Friday the situation will degenerate into absolute pandemonium!  My sensible advice is always to close the school on such occasions, but management have a stubborn reluctance to do the obvious thing!

Laura’s Name Day went well and she gave an enthusiastic reception to our composite gift of various forms of stationery as an aid to her new English Course.  I also helped her with her English homework after the rest of the family had left.  English verb tenses reduce grown foreigners to whimpering children and whimpering children to incoherent amoebas.    

Toni was watching Barça play and voicing his amazement at some of Messi’s spectacular attempts on goal.  My own glory moment was tasting Laura’s tuna empanada which was by far the best that I have ever tasted and has rendered all the supermarket versions less than pale imitations.  Laura’s highly accomplished effort with moist, juicy filling and light, delicious pastry was a true delight; I think that it could have restored my appetite in a bite during the savourless days of the swollen leg!

One more day of antibiotics and my course is done and alcohol can start flowing, though I rather think that I will have to hold off until my blood test on the 28th – with a totally understandable lase for the evening of the 24th of October and United Nations Day!

My United Nations Day will comprise a five period day, together with a lunch duty and finished off by a mind-numbingly boring two hour meeting.  This will, Officially, be the worst birthday in my life so far.  I intend to “play” my Natal Day for all it’s worth in the fond hope that I might be let off early as I intend to let it be known that The Family will be waiting for me to return so that the celebrations can take place!

Fond hope indeed!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Old Mr Grump!

Today is one of those oddly desolate days when you simply do not want to be in school.  Most days you tolerate it, but today takes a special effort to get through.  The weather continues fine, but the thermometer is clearly on a downward trajectory and I think that over the next few weeks will have slid, gracefully and not unreasonably into autumn.

Today we have yet another examination.  This one, for 3ESO however is enlivened by the fact that I have absolutely no idea what is in it.  Usually we have been able to tell the pupils what aspects of the work they have done is going to be examined but this time, for a variety of reasons I have not seen the paper or had an authoritative outline of what it might contain.  We know that the work is going to be drawn from the first two units in the textbooks that the hapless students follow but what precise aspects and what vocabulary we know not.

Last year such a lack of information for the needy little group of inadequates that made up the 3ESO would have produced howls of outrage and demands that the whole situation be taken to the International Court of Human Rights.  This year’s 3ESO is a little more quiescent but I foresee trouble ahead!  And there is the marking!

The papers are now marked and only five kids actually passed the exam, with 10 failing and one taking a small part of it as she has only recently returned from a visit to a school in Canada.  This is a disaster which I ascribe entirely to my teaching.  Please sack me!  Unfortunately this will not happen.  In our school such an examinational disaster will not be allowed to stand.  Something will be done to make the reality a little less awful.  Perhaps mine is the only class to do so badly.  Who really cares?  Certainly not I.  Those who live by the Examination (like our school) will surely perish by the same!

Today has been a more than bloody day with some of the kids behaving like animals.  I teach six periods today with the last two together with Year 9.  Every week I say the same: bloody awful wages and still at 2009 levels.  Why do I bother!

On a lighter note (ha!) Radio 4 (to which all praise) has just informed me that with rates of inflation at the viciously high rate that they are, all savings will be halved in twelve years!  Bad news (again) for savers in which group, for once in my life I find myself.  Good news for pensioners whose increase next year in April will be in line with the inflation rate of this month.  Swings and roundabouts!  Though the swings of inflation are substantially more than the roundabouts of money coming in!

Tomorrow off to Terrassa for Laura’s Name Day and we haven’t got the slightest idea what to get her – I just hope that the shops on the way up to Terrassa do us proud!

Toni is semi permanently linked to the TEMS dynamo and that is fine if it is doing him some good.  I do fear that he might become a voltage junkie!