
Friday, June 26, 2009


Ah the happy hunting of the elusive ISBN number! The stalking of texts through the rough undergrowth of badly organized web sites! Another rite for the end of term!

Helping the head of English complete the book order for next September was a revisiting of old duties, but on a much smaller scale.

Another marathon meeting with an agenda which was more of an indication of what might be talked about rather than an actual sequential list of items to be discussed.

At one point I realized that they were talking about the innovation of ‘House Points’ and various people were giving their views on the ethos behind the scheme. House Points are like bicycle sheds in the famous Parkinson’s Law book which explains that there are some things that nobody knows about and other things about which everyone has an opinion. Those are the things that people speak about. And by god did they speak.

Other more important questions that we had to face were dismissed, but everybody had something to say about House Points. It came to the point where I said to one colleague who was sitting on my left that I was within five minutes of walking out. They shut up about House Points with two minutes to spare!

And so back home to the contract signing for the renting of the new house. It is a salutary experience to hand over €4,020 in cash (because the idiot estate agents don’t have the facility for cards!) and realize that the money only contains one month’s rent among the various forms of deposit that estate agents seem adept in finding essential.
So we now have the keys of the new place and have taken some items there and been truly exhausted.

I shall hardly have the energy to type tomorrow.

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